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தலைப்பு கொடுத்து இங்கே தேடவும் (சுருக்கமாக)

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

+2 Computer Science Common Online One Word questions 12th

Virudhunagar District , +2 Computer Science Common Online One Word questions

1. To create a new source file open Dev C++ and select -------.

2. for(int i=0 ; ; ++i) this statement is displayed infinitely.

3. Identify the following flowchart symbol ----->

4. Which of the following data type is a derived data type?

5. Give that i=8 ,j=10and k= 8 what will be the result of the following expression. j!=k

6. Identify the type of icon in the following - Local disk(D)

7. Operating system is a

8. Types of operating system

9. Uses of iteration statements

10. which one is the valid value for char data type in C ++?

11. How many categories of data types are available in C++

12. for( int i=0;i<10;i++) how many times the iteration will functioned?

13. First generation computers used

14. which of the following OS support mobile devices

15. Flowchart is the pictorial form of solution to a problem

16. Name the volatile memory

17. ------- is a special data type it stores nothing.

18. In C ++ the group of statements should be enclosed with in ------.

19. An example for single user Operating System is-------

20. Which of the following is the exit control loop?

21. Some illegal operations that takes places.

22. Expand RAM

23. Which of the following is called entry control loop?

24. How many types of iteration?

25. Which simple determined statement

26. Say true or false Algorithm is written in a computer language

27. Identify the int constant literals

28. Save the file using shortcut key

29. The smallest individual unit in a program is -----.

30. Which can you create a new folder


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