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தலைப்பு கொடுத்து இங்கே தேடவும் (சுருக்கமாக)

Friday, October 29, 2021

11th ENGLISH quiz one word questions 11 ஆம் வகுப்பு ஆங்கிலம் வினாடிவினா வினாக்கள்

11th ENGLISH quiz one word questions

11 ஆம் வகுப்பு ஆங்கிலம் வினாடிவினா வினாக்கள்

1.Choose the correct answer for the underlined words.
Alas! I have missed my purse.
A. Pronoun
B. Noun
C. Interjection
D. Verb
2.Choose the correct answer for the underlined words.
I feel fresh after a brisk walk.
A. Noun
B. Adverb
C. Adjective
D. Verb
3.Full stopsare also called as ___________.
A. endings
B. periods
C. marking points
D. stop
4.Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated? .
A. Bacons essays are good.
B. Bacons essays are good.
C. Baconsessays are good!
D. Bacons essays are Good.
5.Pick out the sentence with correct punctuation marks
A. The sixteen year old girl is a fulltime student!
B. The sixteen, year, old girl is a full-time student.
C. The sixteen year old girl is a full-time student.
D. The sixteen-year-old girl is a fulltime student.
6.She cut her finger while she ___________ vegetables.
A. cut
B. had cut
C. cutting
D. was cutting
7.Geetha __________ fried rice yesterday.
A. cooked
B. cooks
C. was cooked
D. is cooking
8.Choose the best option out of the four alternatives given below

Meenu read the novel in one day.
AThe novel is read by Meenu in one day.
B.     The novel was read by Meenu in one day.
C. The novel were read by Meenu in one day
D. The novel are read by Meenu in one day.
9.Choose the best option out of the four alternatives given below. The doctor shall have examined ten patients by 2 Oclock.
A.Ten patients may be examined by 2 Oclock by the doctor.
B.Ten patients have been examined by 2 Oclock by the doctor.
C.Ten patients were examined by 2 Oclock by the doctor.
D.Ten patients will have been examined by 2 Oclock by the doctor.
10.Choose the best option out of the four alternatives given below. They will have brought the toy.
A.The toy has been brought by them.
B. The toy will have been brought by them.
C. The toy have been brought by them.
D. The toy is being brought by them.
11.Choose the best option He said to his friend, "Please wait for me".
A. He said to his friend to wait for him.
B. He told his friend to wait for him.
C. He requested his friend to wait for him.
D. He requested his friend that he should wait for him.
12.Choose the best option He asked me whether I was ready.
A.  He said, Are you ready?
B.  He said to me, Are you ready?
C.  He said, Are you ready or not?
D. He said to me, Is he ready?
13.Choose the correct form of adjectives. Preethi is ___________ than her sister.
A. the pretty
B.  more pretty
C.  prettier
D.  prettiest
14.Choose the correct form of adjectives. A town is _______ than a village.
A. more crowded
B. worse
C. most quiet
15.Choose the correct form of adjectives. This building is the ___________ in our town.
A. biggest
B. big
C. bigger
D. as big as


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